97.6% of websites around the world use JavaScript. As great as this may be, websites that heavily rely on JS have high Time to interact scores (TTI)causing slower page loads and performance. So what do we do, sacrifice the complex features that make our web pages nicer and more interactive, or turn a deaf ear to TTI? Luckily Astro JS comes to our rescue.
Installing and testing Carbon
This tutorial will take you through the steps required to test Carbon on your machine
Carbon, the heir to the Mid-level throne 👑
The trend of replacing golden programming languages with modern options is becoming very popular. But will they stand the test of time. Microsoft did this when they released TypeScript, Jet brains released Kotlin to replace Java and now Google is doing same with the experimental release of Carbon.
Is there a need for Carbon
What JavaScript can't do?🤯
A few weeks ago I asked myself "What can't JavaScript do?" and it led to a very intriguing discovery. Did you know Machine learning is possible with JavaScript?🤯 Well, I definitely did not.
I think it’s safe to call JavaScript a Jack-of-all-trades master of all programming language.
Here are 7️⃣ budding JavaScript Machine Learning Libraries you should try today.
Goodbye Node js
May 27, 2009 an open source runtime environment was released. Node js revolutionized server-side applications and made countless impossibilities a reality. Now there is a new kid on the block.